A Message About CPGN

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? Apparently, I still get 200-300 views a month which is incredible considering this blog is slowly decaying into nothingness. Today, I'm going to explain why I abandoned CPGN and what's next for this site.

In December of 2017, I joined Gamelust - an established video game news and reviews site that is frequently updated. I write there. I write a lot. You should check it out and you can do so here. Because I'm busy writing there, It's been hard to here hence why in February I made the silent decision to stop publishing content here completely. I've also made the decision to keep this blog up because I want to preserve my terribly short writing for anyone who wishes to trace my origins.

I'll still visit every now and then but I strongly recommend you visit Gamelust if you want to see decent content from me or decent content from some of the most talented writers I've worked with.

Thank you to the 24,316 people who discovered this blog and thank you to those who continue to.

A Message About CPGN

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? Apparently, I still get 200-300 views a month which is incredible considering this blog is slow...