Earlier this year Gearbox announced they are working on Borderlands 3 as Battleborn's DLC is nearly finished, but what's coming for the next installment?
Cyber Pixel News presents 10 things Borderlands 3 needs.
This list is in order of least to most.
10. Old Characters Returning
One thing that made Borderlands 2 the best out of the 3 is the return of old characters. It would be fun to see the Borderlands 2 characters returning (and the remaining borderlands 1 and pre sequel characters) into Borderlands 3.
This is likely (spoiler alert!) because at the end of the pre sequel the alien speaks of a war coming and the vault hunters need all the help they can get.
9/10 extremely likely to happen

9. A Housing System
Wouldn't it be cool to have somewhere to store all your hard earned loot? Of course the crimson raiders safehouse does that, to an extent.
Imagine a house in (insert city/town name here) where you can use shelves to show off your weapons. You can also decorate this house but the more items you add into the house the more likely raiders attack it. If you defend your house successfully you can earn loot from what the raider boss drops.
3/10 highly unlikely to happen
8. New Gun Brands
Sure there are a hefty amount of gun brands in the borderlands universe already but wouldn't it be cool to add more brands? The pre sequel did this sucsessfully by adding the scav brand.
I would like to see a Marcus Munitions Brand
6/10 unlikely but at the same time likely

7. New Vehicles
Speaking of new brands what about vehicles? Well when we look at previous additions of Borderlands its highly unlikely they wouldn't add vehicles.
10/10 Definitely going to happen
6. Easier Map Creation Kit
Very few mods existed in Borderlands 1 and 2 which added new areas. The creation of a map creator would greatly improve the lifetime of Borderlands 3.
4/10 very unlikely to happen

5. A Ton Of DLC
Another reason Borderlands 2 was successful was the fact the DLC was fresh and interesting. Borderlands 3 would benefit greatly from new DLC giving players a reason to re play the game again.
9/10 extremely likely to happen
4. Different Planets
The pre sequels move to Pandora's moon, Elpis was a rewarding one. Possibly including a galaxy of planets in the upcoming installment could benefit.
I want to know what promethea looks like.
And even travelling in spaceships with space combat.
4/10 very unlikely to happen

3. Arena Battles
Imagine using all your hard earned loot to enter an arena and compete for whatever special currency will be next against other players. Arena battles would enhance the game but problems would occur with not enough players.
2/10 near impossible to happen
2. Easter Eggs!
Borderlands 2 was FILLED with easter eggs. From Minecraft to Bioshock most of us spent countless hours searching for hidden secrets Gearbox cleverly hidden. Borderlands 3 could have endless opportunities for easter eggs (as long as other developers allowed it).
10/10 definitely going to happen
1. Create Your Own Vault Hunter
In Borderlands you can choose a name for your vault hunter (or leave it default) and choose their clothes, but what if you can completley customize them?
Imagine being able to choose their body weight, tone of voice, eye colour, ear size etc etc.
And with 10 skill trees to choose from this could generate thousands, if not millions of combinations of vault hunters.
5/10 unsure if it's going to happen
I hope you've enjoyed today's top 10 list and we want to know what features you want to see in borderlands 3 in the comments.
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