I'm pretty sure I hold the record for the most hours in Just Cause 2 at 185 hours but I could be wrong. Having played through the campaign 3 times and 60% completion in free roam I enjoyed Just Cause 2 from start to finish (I still play it to this day!).
Everything from the NPC behavior to the dense jungles just make the feel like there's a cause to playing it (pun intended). The story and side missions aren't anything to awe at but the freedom to do whatever you want in a country like sandbox really hits home. You could tether a bus to a plane or go on a tank rampage in the city. Anything that uses tethers is possible.
Of course you may argue that the tethers could snap and crush your dreams but that's where the mods come in. A trainer called the bolopatch gives you options like infinite health, multiple tethers and invincible tethers. There's also plenty of other mods like the ZXZ's black market mod or the island in chaos one. All can be found here.
So what does Just Cause 2 offer? Well here's a breakdown:
Decent graphics (impressive for 2010)
Plenty of activities (providing you have an imagination)
A good-not great story
Better optimization than Just Cause 3
Choice of over 100 veichles
Health system a bit too harsh
100% completion glitch (can be worked around with a mod)
So in conclusion i'm putting Just Cause 2 in the good games section.
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