Inside the World of Achievement Hunting

Have you ever watched Achievement Hunter and thought I want to do that? Well if you own a Steam account and have Discord then you're in luck. 

Most Steam games come with achievements that you can unlock and just like Xbox and PlayStation you can show them off on your profile but there is a group of people who take it one step further.

Meet the 100Pals, A group of devoted hunters who aim to 100% every game they can. The discord server is where they chat, show off their achievements and catch up on the latest in gaming.This article will take you through what it takes to become an achievement hunter and some tips from the top hunter in the US. 

First off you'll need:
A Steam account (with some games on it)

Got them? Ok, now it's time to start hunting. Pick your game (I'll use GTA V as an example) and start playing. Check your achievements list on Steam by pressing shift+tab. Most achievements will tell you what is required to get them but not all are straightforward but that's where guides come in! Whether it be on Steam itself or on the internet there's always people who will be able to help you with them secret cheevos (that's what 100Pals call achievements).

You've finished GTA and unlocked all of the achievements? Brilliant! With your first game under your belt you're an achievement hunter! Now is probably the best time to join the 100Pals Discord server if you haven't already. The server has eleven text channels each dedicated to a certain topic:

cheevo-chat - The general chat where everybody talks + show off your completed games

steam-feed - Posts about any changes relating to achievements across all of the Steam platform

achievements-trackers - Talk about the tracker websites

retro-achievements - A chat talk about retro games

off-topic - A chat to talk about anything that's not cheevo hunting

coop-search - Find people to play games with

life-achievements - Talk about anything related to life in general

keys-bundles-trades - Keys up for trade, giveaways or just straight up talking!

bot-stuff - A chat to mess around with bots

nsfw-nsfl - 18+ chat

announcements - Moderators post competition announcements here

first-timers-read-this - A welcome chat with info

Now that you're familiar with the chats you'll be able to forge relationships or get help from other hunters. 100Pals is one of the friendliest servers I've been on.

You may have noticed that members might be mentioning sites like Astats or These are sites that can track your achievements in a more advanced way. Below are the sites:

Personally is the one that works for me but a popular choice is Astats.

And to finish off this article I spoke to the founder of 100Pals and one of the top achievement hunters in North America, Xeinok:

Q: When did you start achievement hunting?

A: I've always been the type to try and 100% games I play - I have a vivid childhood memories of doing everything I could and finding all the secrets in Ultima games, gridning for all of Poo's weapons in Earthbound, collecting everything in Banjo Kazooie and such, haha. My first 100% game on Steam was Deus Ex: HR in 2011 - I was actively looking for games on Steam to hundo since then and have also hunted on World of Warcraft and put some efforts into Diablo 3 and RetroAchievements a bit. 

Q: Is there a minimum number of completed games to become a hunter?

A: There is no minimum hundo count to be an achievement hunter - we certainly welcome all levels and types of hunters on 100Pals. There are many leader board metrics to compete across for achievement hunting: total rarity points, total hundos, total number of cheevos, hunting the hardest cheevos, hunting obscure games, hunting your favorite games, speedrunning hundos, building your AGC (average game completion score), etc. We all started with 0 games complete.

Q: What's a good tip for newcomers?

A: The best tip for people interested in hunting achievements is to join the official community on the 100Pals Discord because there is a LOT to learn, and to get your profiles bookmarked on the "achievement tracker" websites we all use. These tracker sites, such as:, AStats, MetaGamerScore and SteamHunters provide hunters with a more organized and usable way to view their achievement-related data. Even if you aren't a very serious hunter, these trackers showcase a ton of interesting data and graphs relating to your gaming history. After that, my recommendation is to focus on 100%ing some games you love first.

Xeinok makes videos and guides to help fellow hunters; you can check out all his stuff here




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